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Are you unsure if you qualify for Aid and Attendance?

Has working with the VA to obtain your Pension been unsuccessful?

Have you applied for your Pension just to be denied?


Our VA accredited agent and their support staff will help you navigate the process and avoid long  delays or ignored requests for assistance!

Do you fit the following criteria?

1. 90 days of continuous, active military service, with at least one day during a period of war.

2. Any type of discharge other than a dishonorable discharge.

3. Disabled or…at least age 65.

Nearly all Veterans or their widows in Assisted Living Facilities, other Senior facilities and those that are being cared for at home, are at least age 65. Even though most can or will qualify for this benefit, which they earned for their service to our country, only a small percentage of them are receiving it. Generally they are just unaware of it’s availability and eligibility.


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